Drywall Waterproof Paint – Finding the Right One

Picture of Chris Heerdegen
Chris Heerdegen

Waterproof paint plays a crucial role in protecting the walls of your home from moisture. Ever wonder why some walls get damaged by moisture while others do not? The difference often comes down to the type of paint used on them. Waterproofing paint provides a protective layer that helps keep walls dry and mold-free. In this post OnDemand Painters explains everything you need to know about waterproof paint and how to use it in your next project.

Understanding the Impact of Moisture on Drywall

Moisture is a common problem for drywall, as it can easily absorb water from the air and surface temperatures, leading to damage such as stains, mold growth, and even structural issues over time. This makes it essential to protect your drywall from moisture to maintain the integrity and appearance of your home.

Choosing the Right Waterproof Paint

When it comes to selecting the best waterproof paint for your walls, there are several options to consider:

  • Acrylic-Based Waterproof Paint: This type of paint dries quickly and is flexible, making it a popular choice. However, it may require several coats to fully protect against moisture.
  • Epoxy Waterproof Paint: Known for its exceptional durability, epoxy paint is great for areas that are constantly exposed to moisture. It is more expensive and harder to apply than some other options.
  • Latex-Based Waterproofing Primer: This primer is versatile and provides a good base for waterproofing paint, improving adhesion and durability. It’s easier to use and clean up than epoxy but may not offer the same level of protection in very damp areas.

Preparing Drywall for Waterproof Painting

The effectiveness of waterproof paint depends significantly on how well the drywall is prepared before painting. This process involves cleaning, repairing, and priming the drywall:

  • The first step is to ensure the wall is clean and free of dust and debris, which can be done with a damp cloth.
  • Next, any cracks or imperfections in the wall should be filled and smoothed out to create an even surface.
  • Applying a primer is crucial as it helps the waterproof paint adhere better and enhances its protective qualities.

Preparing your drywall for painting requires patience and attention to detail, but the effort is worth it. Properly prepared and painted walls are more attractive and better protected against moisture, helping to keep your home in good condition for years to come.

Selecting Tools and Paint for Waterproofing

Most paint manufacturers suggest using an airless sprayer for an even application on surfaces like textured drywall or cement board. This method can cover large areas effectively and manage detailed textures efficiently, compared to the more manual approach of brushes and rollers. Nonetheless, for those who either prefer or only have brushes and rollers, achieving a comprehensive waterproof barrier is still possible through diligent application.

Step-by-Step Application

Preparation: First, ensure good ventilation in the room and wear the necessary safety gear. Protect any areas not being painted to avoid accidental splashes.

Priming: Apply a coat of latex-based waterproofing primer to the interior walls. This is especially important for water-resistant drywall to seal the surface and prepare it for the waterproof paint. Follow the drying times recommended by the paint manufacturer.

Painting: Mix the waterproof paint well before use. Fill the airless sprayer or a paint tray if using a brush or roller. Apply the paint in consistent, overlapping strokes for complete coverage. Pay careful attention to any textures or crevices in textured drywall to ensure moisture cannot seep through.

Drying and Additional Coats: Allow the first coat to dry fully. A second coat might be necessary for optimal protection and durability, depending on the initial results.

Care and Maintenance

After painting, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the curing time before cleaning or interacting with the walls. Many paint manufacturers provide a warranty for the durability of their waterproof paint, but it’s important to understand the terms, as they may not cover all types of damage. Keep your purchase receipt to ensure warranty service can be claimed if needed.

For maintenance, clean the walls with a damp cloth, avoiding strong chemicals or rough tools that could damage the paint’s surface. If the paint starts to peel or show damage, retouch it promptly to keep the waterproof layer intact.

Material Disposal

Dispose of any remaining paint and materials in accordance with local regulations. Your community’s household refuse collection service can offer guidance on the proper disposal methods, helping you to manage waste responsibly and protect the environment.


Applying waterproof paint is a proactive measure to protect your home from moisture and related damage. By choosing the appropriate tools, following the painting process correctly, and adhering to maintenance and disposal recommendations, you can ensure a long-lasting and effective moisture barrier for your home. While warranties from paint manufacturers offer some assurance of the paint’s longevity, OnDemand Painters emphasizes that the key to enduring protection lies in the quality of the application and ongoing care.


What does an “express or implied warranty” cover for waterproof paint?

An express or implied warranty typically covers the durability and effectiveness of waterproof paint, but make sure to read the fine print for exclusions.

As the original residential consumer purchaser, what proof do I need to claim a warranty?

Keep your receipt or any proof of purchase handy, as it’s essential for validating your claim under the warranty.

Can incidental or consequential damages be covered under waterproof paint warranties?

Most warranties do not cover incidental or consequential damages, so it’s wise to check the specifics with the paint manufacturer.

What should I do if the waxy coating on my waterproof paint gets damaged?

If the waxy coating is damaged, promptly touch up the area to maintain the integrity of your waterproof barrier.

Is it necessary to keep the proof of purchase for warranty service on waterproof paint?

Yes, retaining your proof of purchase is crucial for any warranty service claims, ensuring you’re recognized as the original residential consumer purchaser.