Why OnDemand Painters?
You have your choice of contractors and painters in St. Louis or Chicago and we appreciate your interest in us. Learn what makes us different and why we’re your ideal partner.
A job done RIGHT the first time. Every time.
High Quality Workmanship
Did you know that a paint job that lasts 6 months before peeling and a job that will last 15 years will look almost identical right when they are done? We are happy to educate you on the nuances of prep work and paint quality that will impact the longevity of your job.
Honesty and Integrity
Did you know that most manufacturers have paints that cost $30 a gallon and dry only 6% less thick than paints that cost $120 a gallon? So, the easiest way to cut cost is to use cheap paint. We know how to get you the best value for your dollar – its not always paying more.
Another way to put it, we’ll tell you more about what you DON’T need done than what you DO and we can DO the work you need a great price.
Excellent Communication
Phone calls, emails, and text messages are responded to quickly 14 hours a day 7 days a week. We provide written electronic estimates to you the same day we perform an estimate, and sometimes have the ability to do a completely touchless estimate by phone! A project coordinator works in conjunction with an on site crew chief to make sure we are doing what we say at all times.
Quick Quotes & Feedback
Average time it takes to get a callback from a contractor -only 1/5 will call you back at all! We average 58 minutes and we will respond as fast as 60 seconds at times.
Average time to get a written quote is 14 days -mine is same day and often within 10 minutes of a phone call.
Honest Pricing & Payment Options
We only take 25% up front. The rest is not until we complete the job. This is the ultimate security when it comes to contracting. If you pay too much up front, sadly contractors can walk away form a project and its tough to find them.
We take all major credit cards -which allows for additional financial security.
Knowledge & Experience
We’ve been in the painting industry since 2001 and understand the science behind what is important and why.
We understand how to manage a team and train them so they provide value to every customer.
Meet Chris Heerdegen
OnDemand Painters has been in business since 2019, while I’ve been in the industry since 2001. I grew up in the northern suburbs of Chicago, attended college in Champaign/Urbana but met my wife in St. Louis and split time between there and our other locations!
I am the owner, the sales rep, the production coordinator. When you call, it’s directly to my cell. I manage multiple crews and they do the tough part – a great paint job! With my crews doing the paiing work, this frees me up to actually return calls, messages, and emails promptly! It also means I can organize and hold my crews to showing up when we say they will!
If i’m not working I’m busy either training in brazilian jiu jitsu or taking care of my 6 kids. Yes, 6. The 4th one turned out to be triplets – oops! This is why you will find me responding to text, calls, and emails at all kinds of hours – so reach out any time!
Doing the type of job that earns a review from you is very important to me! I will try and communicate quickly and effectively. We try very hard to make sure you are happy with the finished product.