Paint Wrinkling

Picture of Chris Heerdegen
Chris Heerdegen

Paint wrinkling can ruin your hard work, especially with spray paint and uncured paint forms. Whether it’s extremely hot weather or improper first coats, understanding the causes and solutions is key. This guide covers everything you need to know about applying paint correctly, using multiple coats, and avoiding the dreaded chemical reaction that leads to a crinkled finish.

Key Takeaways

  • Spray paint or a top coat applied too thickly or in extremely hot weather can cause a wrinkled coating.
  • Use multiple thin coats and ensure the first coat dries completely to prevent paint wrinkling.
  • Paint in ideal conditions, between 50°F to 85°F, to avoid uncured paint forming a wrinkled coating.
  • Proper priming and sanding before applying the top coat ensures a smooth paint job.
  • If wrinkling occurs, scrape off the affected paint, use a heat gun for drying, and reapply a clear coat.
  • High-quality, water-based paints dry faster and are easier to apply, reducing the risk of a wrinkled coating.

What is Paint Wrinkling?

Wrinkling paint happens when the top coat of paint dries faster than the layers beneath, creating a rough, crinkled look. This is common with oil-based paints, especially when applied too thickly or under extreme conditions like high temperatures or humidity. Believe it or not, the right preparation and application methods can prevent this.

Causes of Paint Wrinkling

Knowing why paint wrinkles is key to getting that smooth, professional finish. Here are some main culprits:

High Temperatures

Hot weather can cause the top coat of paint to dry too fast compared to the layers underneath. This quick drying leads to a crinkled surface as the uncured paint forms a skin. To avoid this, aim to paint in moderate temperatures and steer clear of direct sunlight.

High Humidity Levels

Moisture in the air can interfere with the drying process, trapping water under the top layer of paint. This uneven drying causes wrinkling as the solvent evaporates at different rates. Ensure low humidity when painting to help the paint dry evenly.

Paint Film Too Thick

Thick layers of paint dry unevenly, with the top coat forming a skin while the bottom remains wet. Using several thin coats instead of one thick one can help prevent this and give you a smoother finish.

Insufficient Drying Time Between Coats

Not giving enough drying time between coats can also lead to wrinkles. Make sure the first coat is completely dry before applying the next. This is crucial, especially with high-quality paints that need more time to dry.

Applying Hard Finishes Over Softer Coats

If you put a hard finish over a soft, uncured base coat, it can cause wrinkling. The top coat dries faster and forms a skin, while the softer layer underneath remains wet. To prevent this, let each coat fully cure before adding another layer.

Painting Over Glossy Surfaces Without Sanding

Painting over shiny surfaces without sanding first can lead to poor adhesion, causing the paint to wrinkle. Sand the surface to a smooth, matte finish before painting to ensure the new paint sticks properly.

Inadequate Priming

Skipping primer or using the wrong one can result in paint wrinkling. Primer creates a uniform surface, promoting better adhesion and preventing moisture issues. Always let the primer dry fully before applying the topcoat.

Is Your Paint Wrinkling? Here’s How to Find Out

Spotting paint wrinkling early can save you from bigger problems down the line. Here’s what to look for:

Timing: Wrinkling usually appears shortly after painting. If the outer layer dries too fast, you’ll see the wrinkles as the solvent evaporates unevenly. This can show up within a few hours or days, especially if conditions aren’t ideal.

Visual Cues: The paint will look rough and uneven. You’ll notice a crinkled texture right after applying a coat if the underlying layers haven’t dried completely. Check for areas where the paint seems to have formed a skin but is still soft underneath.

Common Locations and Surfaces of Paint Wrinkling

Indoor vs. Outdoor Surfaces

Paint wrinkling can happen both indoors and outdoors, but the causes can be different. Inside, you’re likely to see wrinkles from high humidity or not giving enough drying time between coats. Outside, it’s usually extreme temperatures or direct sunlight that make the top coat dry too fast, leading to wrinkles. So, whether you’re painting your living room or your deck, keep these factors in mind to avoid those annoying crinkles.

Issues with Different Materials

Different materials can change how paint behaves:

  • Wood: Wood surfaces, especially if not prepped right, can cause paint to wrinkle. This includes painting over old paint or not sanding glossy surfaces. Wood also absorbs moisture, which can mess with drying.
  • Metal: Metal surfaces, particularly bare metal, need proper priming to prevent wrinkling. Poor adhesion on metal leads to wrinkled coatings. Using a primer designed for metal and letting it fully cure can help a lot.

How to Prevent a Crinkled Paint Surface

By managing environmental conditions, applying paint the right way, and prepping surfaces thoroughly, you can dodge the common pitfalls that lead to paint wrinkling.

Paint in the Ideal Temperature Range

Aim to paint in moderate temperatures, ideally between 50°F and 85°F. Hot weather can make the top coat dry too fast compared to the layers underneath, causing wrinkles. Always try to avoid painting in direct sunlight to ensure even drying.

Avoid Painting in High Humidity

High humidity can trap moisture in the paint film, causing it to wrinkle as it dries. Keep the humidity level below 50% when painting. If you have to paint in high humidity, use a dehumidifier or wait for a drier day to make sure the paint dries evenly.

Paint in Stages Using Thin Coats

Applying multiple thin coats instead of one thick one helps prevent wrinkling. Thick coats can make the top layer form a skin while the paint underneath stays wet, leading to wrinkles. Use high-quality paint and apply it evenly for the best results.

Let Coats Dry Completely

Giving enough drying time between coats is crucial. Most paints need at least 24 hours to dry completely before you apply the next coat. This ensures each layer is fully cured, preventing a crinkled paint surface.

Proper Sanding Methods

Sanding is essential for a smooth surface and proper paint adhesion. Use fine-grit sandpaper to sand the surface thoroughly, getting rid of old paint, dust, or dirt. This is especially important for glossy surfaces, as sanding helps the new paint stick better and prevents wrinkling.

Importance of Priming

Using a primer is key to preventing paint wrinkling, especially on bare metal or previously painted surfaces. A primer creates a uniform surface that promotes better adhesion of the top coat. Make sure the primer is fully cured before applying the next layer of paint to avoid any issues with adhesion or wrinkling.

How to Fix Paint Wrinkling

To get back that smooth, professional finish, you need to properly address and fix paint wrinkling. This involves removing the wrinkled paint, smoothing the surface, and carefully repainting with high-quality products.

Scrape Off Paint from Affected Area

Start by scraping off the wrinkled paint with a paint scraper or putty knife. Hold the scraper at a slight angle to the surface to avoid gouging and gently remove the crinkled paint. For larger areas, a heat gun can help soften the paint, making it easier to scrape away.

Use of Chemical Paint Removers

Chemical paint removers, like lacquer thinner or denatured alcohol, can effectively remove stubborn paint layers. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and let the remover penetrate the paint film. Use a scraper to remove the softened paint, then clean the surface with a grease remover or clean cloth to get rid of any residue.


Once the wrinkled paint is gone, sand the surface to make it smooth and even. Use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out any rough spots or leftover paint. Sanding creates a uniform surface that’s essential for good paint adhesion. Make sure the surface is free of dust and dirt before moving to the next steps. If the surface is still rough, repeat the sanding process until it’s completely smooth.

Prime and Paint the Surface

Apply a high-quality primer to the prepped surface. Allow the primer to dry completely according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Then, paint in thin, even coats, making sure to give enough drying time between each coat to prevent new wrinkling.

Allow Surface to Dry

Make sure each coat of paint, including the primer and topcoat, is fully cured before applying the next. This is particularly important in high or low humidity conditions, where drying times may vary.

Choosing the Right Products

High-Quality Primers

When choosing a primer, look for features like strong adhesion, stain-blocking properties, and compatibility with your type of paint. A good primer should create a smooth, uniform surface that enhances the top coat’s adhesion and durability.

High-Quality Paints

Alkyd and oil-based paints are known for their durability and smooth finish but require longer drying times and proper ventilation due to strong fumes. Latex paints are water-based, dry faster, and are easier to clean up, making them a popular choice for most applications.


Paint wrinkling, a common issue with oil-based paints, can be prevented and fixed with the right approach. Key factors like high temperatures, humidity, thick paint layers, and insufficient drying time contribute to this problem. To avoid a wrinkled coating, use multiple thin coats, ensure each coat dries completely, and paint in ideal conditions (50°F to 85°F).

If you encounter wrinkling, scrape off the affected paint, sand the surface, and re-coat with high-quality primers and paints. Tools like a heat gun can help fix wrinkled paint by ensuring sufficient drying time.

Understanding these factors and using proper techniques will help you achieve a smooth, professional finish, whether you’re working with water-based or oil-based paints. So, follow these tips to enjoy a flawless paint job.