OnDemand Painters Contractor Pricing
How we price your work
We can often give you a ball park figure by phone if you are looking for a quick reference, or a full breakdown once I’ve inspected the project.
Our prices are cheaper than the biggest companies in St. Louis, but will cost more than a local handyman working without insurance or paying taxes.
We charge what it takes to do the job RIGHT. Just consider that, since we warranty all of our work and it would only cost us more to have to come out and fix it!

Why is there a variance in pricing?
There are many factors that go into the pricing of a paint job. Here is a list of options and outcomes associated with them. Every item has a price – the outcome is the benefit received
Workers comp insurance – If a worker is injured on your home without WC. their insurance company can sue you. This is not covered on your homeowner’s insurance
Liability insurance – this ensures that if there is any major property damage you will be covered.
Power washing – most effective way to clean a surface
Scraping – ensure you don’t paint over flaking areas
Sanding – feathering the edges ensures moisture cant creep up under lip where good paint meets bare wood
Priming with PRIMER – paint has thin solvents and dries quickly – it is NOT designed for porous surfaces. The actual primer should be used
Paint quality – drying thickness is the key ingredient
Number of coats – “two wet coats” is different than “two dry coats”
The Crew – will your crew work consecutive days or bounce around projects?
Customer Service– who is answering the phone when you have a problem?
Warranty – does the warranty include LABOR? Or is it just a materials warranty?
What if something goes wrong? Beyond your initial deposit, we don’t collect the final payment until the job is completed. If it isn’t done, we don’t get paid!
Every one of these things has some variance in pricing. The scary part about the prep work is it can be done minimally and still look good – so a good warranty is KEY to holding a painter accountable.
Want a Quick Estimate?
If you want to get a rough idea about the price range for interior or exterior painting on your house, we’ve developed this easy tool. Altogether it will take around 2 minutes to generate the price range.
If you have just a few more minutes, make sure to fill in our form below and in a 10 minute call we can get you an exact quote.